Dramaturgies in the Afterlife of Violence


Besides individually or collectively participating at conferences, artistic formats or public discussions, our Junior Research Group regularly invites scholars as well as artists for guest lectures and talks. This happens especially within the frame of Theater Forschung Ruhr, the lecture series at the institute for Theater Studies at Ruhr-University Bochum.

Furthermore, the research group organizes a total of three workshops (from 2024 to 2026) and a conference (approximately in January 2027).

Finally, some of our shared group excursions are also being listed here to give short insights into our activities.

Workshop “Shifting Dramaturgies in Transmodern Worlds”, 14th and 15th of November 2024 
Institute for Theater Studies, RUB, BlueSquare (Kortumstr. 90, 44787 Bochum), 4th floor
Group Panel "Representability and the History of Violence" at the Conference “Open Spaces” by the German Society for Theater Studies (GTW)
Institute for Theater Studies, University of Leipzig
Guest Lecture by Walther Maradiegue: “Performing the Sound Archive: Ethnographies of Listening in the Andes”
Institute for Theatre Studies, RUB
Artist Talk/Public Discussion with Mamela Nyamza at tanzhaus NRW: “HATCHED ENSEMBLE – fifteen years after HATCHED, thirty years into Democracy”
Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf
Artist Talk with Neo Muyanga: “Bow About: Blood Sweat and Fears - Reading Wole Soyinka’s Classics from a Troubled State, Today”
Institute for Theater Studies, RUB
Artist Talk mit der Compagnie La Fleur: „Konami – der Fußballtanz“ und andere Projekte
Institute for Theater Studies, RUB
Group Excursion to Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, Berlinale and Museums in Berlin
Group Excursion to “¡Adelante!” Festival in Heidelberg
Heidelberg & Mannheim
Guest Lecture by Mariama Diagne
Institute for Theater Studies, RUB
Artist Talk with Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi and Marcella Akuetteh Nuerkie
Institute for Theater Studies, RUB